Indian Gifts Portal Shopping Experience, Website And Product Review

“Oh dear, oh dear” my colleague came running to my desk

“What happened?” I asked

“It’s my sister in law’s birthday on this Saturday and I completely forgot. She sent me a lovely watch with flower on my birthday and look at me. What should I do now?” She was out of breath

I am not great at picking gifts but I am good at browsing. “Let me think what can be done now”

“We have just three days time” She screamed

I ran my magical fingers on my laptop keyboard and typed “gifts for sister in law” and lot of pictures, website links bounced up on my screen. Among many options one website caught my attention and that was

Indian Gifts Portal Shopping Experience, Website And Product Review

The website has variety of gifts to choose from. It isn’t like any other gifting portal where the options are flowers, cake or chocolate. Finally we zeroed on some makeup, a mug and cake with express delivery. Thanks to IGP gifts were delivered to her timely. Once her gifting problem was resolved I decided to explore the website on my own.

I was so happy to see that they have gifts for all the occasions, festivals you can think of. This is one of the best online store to look for gifts, gifting ideas for your mother, father, sister, brother, brother in law and even your grand parents. There are abundant personalized gift options to choose from. You can also choose gifts according to the personality as well. They had gifts for every festival, every occassion you can think of. Just recently their collection for Janamashtmi was hot selling item. My shopaholic hormones that I had been controlling from last month all of a sudden decided to revolt and I ended up buying four gifts, yes for myself. Why not? I love to pamper myself and sometimes you can be generous to yourself.

If you follow me on Instagram than you know what all I had shopped. I posted pictures of all the four gifts. I always prefer a gift that is useful, so all these gifts are useful and actually I was in need of all four.

Indian Gifts Portal Shopping Experience, Website And Product Review

You won’t believe but actually I was in desperate need of a good looking sling bag. I never hoped to shop a bag from any gifting portal, but I was amazed at the collection of IGP. I am not referring to the number of pieces they have, what I mean is look at the designs. Finally I zeroed on this greyish sling bag and the quality is superb. I bought this for Rs. 725

Indian Gifts Portal Shopping Experience, Website And Product Review

I had never ever bought earrings online before this day and that to be from gifting portal was something I never expected. But when I lay my eyes on these I knew that these are mine. The earrings are elegant and came very neatly packed in pink color box. These were for Rs. 260

Indian Gifts Portal Shopping Experience, Website And Product Review

Candies and me go hand in hand. I always have candies in my bag and munch them throughout day. The candy box looked so attractive that I decided to buy it immediately. And this was for only Rs. 430

Indian Gifts Portal Shopping Experience, Website And Product Review

Fourth and last gift was a pair of quirky mug set. I love coffee ardently and always make sure to drink in a nice mug. It’s a kind of comforting thing for me to do. The pair was for Rs. 470

These were delivered in two day time and I am referring to standard delivery. The most innovative thing on IGP is International delivery option. Many times I see that couples who are living in different country for sometime due to work often wish to send gifts to each other. IGP has actually resolved their problem and you have variety of options to choose from. IGP ships in more than 150 countries (including USA, UK, Australia, Canada etc) and more than 7000 pin codes in India The gift look exactly what is being portrayed on the website and comes neatly packed. 

If you ask me I will rate IGP 5/5

Next time you wish to gift someone or yourself choose IGP.

Stick to R&W
Megha Gupta 


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