Moments You Can't Miss Just Because You Are Not Smooth

Oh my god, you just received an invite from Nisha for Pool Party, but you can’t go because you have to go to parlour first to remove these tiny hair. A last minute opportunity to have fun and so sad that you have to miss. I am sure we all hate those in-between days when stubble means you can’t wear your favorite outfit, or you just feel you have to say no to that exciting invitation. In this writeup we will celebrate these amazing moments you won’t have to miss out on if your skin is smooth; because with Braun Epilators, you can be silky smooth at a moment’s notice. 

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Pool Parties - No one can afford to miss these cool parties. With Braun you are ready to Dive in  anytime

Wearing That Dress - Your favorite dress that makes you look sexy, chic, confident, flirty. You don't have to skip just because you need to remove your hair. Braun epilators can remove hairs as small as a grain of sand. Get that new dress on, and cause a sensation!

braun epilator review india

Dancing With Your Arms In Air - At a party do you want to care if you should raise your arms for dancing or not? With Braun your skin can be flawless and smooth. You can be as carefree as you want to.

Park Visits - On a hot summer day why you have to stop yourself from wearing shorts? Your skin can be silky, smooth with Braun anytime, anyday

Roller Coaster - Don't you just want to get on top of the largest rollercoaster and shout whheee by flinging your arms in air? You are picture perfect with super smooth pits. 

Leg Day At Gym - It’s the perfect opportunity to show off your legs to your crush…but not if it’s an in-between day! Play it smooth. Braun epilators catch hairs 4x shorter than waxing, so you’ll never get caught out!

Rocking Your Leave Fave Short-Sleeved Tee - The trusty tee that instantly makes you feel super confident. But only if your silky smooth skin plays a supporting role, then it’s a smooth path to a small boost

Legfies - Oh yeah, you have those sexy legs. why to hide? Rock a legfie

Last Minute Invite To Beaches - Your crush has FINALLY asked you to the beach. But, hold on, how can you rock your cut-offs with stubble?! You need smooth skin for the win

Last Minute Invite To Beaches - Your favorite singer is in town, and you’ve managed to get your hands on tickets. YES! Now how to look LEG-endary? Wearing your favorite mini of course! And rocking the look with super smooth legs

Click here to buy online 

Stick to R&W
Megha Gupta 


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