Handtribe New Shopping Destination - Myoho Skincare Review

My favourite time pass these days are browsing internet. I keep on checking out new websites and if I like them I don’t refrain myself from shopping from them. My recent discovery is handtribe.com. This website justifies its name as you will find wide range of products from fashion to home & living to accessories, skincare and much more. You know that I love shopping for skincare products so continuing my shopping tradition I ordered some Myoho Skincare Products for myself. Today I am going to review Myoho Skincare Products

Myoho Skincare Products Review

Myoho Skincare Products Review 

I ordered three products from handtribe, Myoho Valencia Rice Scrub, Myoho Black Pudding Face Mask and Myoho Gardenia Face Mask. I really like some of the names Myoho has chosen for their products. By names you can’t guess much about the products. 

Packaging – All three comes packed in small, round, clear plastic jar with black colour cap with brand name written on it. There is another white colour lid to seal the goodness of product. Packaging is good 

I will review all three Myoho Handcrafted Luxary products one by one 

Myoho Valencia Face Scrub Review – This is a rice face scrub by Myoho. It has goodness of rice powder which is a natural skin whitening agent. I have used rice powder based product for the first time. I am surprised to see that how good it is in removing any kind of tanning from skin. This scrub is really gentle on skin and two – three minute massage is sufficient to get best results. I even tried using this scrub on my underarms and I was surprised to see that it gives very good results by treating darkness, pigmentation and also treats blemishes to some extent. This product is useful for all skin types and 25gm is priced at Rs. 380 

Myoho Black Pudding Face Mask Review – Key ingredient in this face pack is activated charcoal which is a natural cleanser and detoxifier. Charcoal is effective in removing toxins from skin pores and makes them smaller and cleaner. I apply it and leave it for 30 minutes for maximum results. It makes my skin naturally fair, reduces acne marks and skin looks visibly clear and smooth. 75gm of Myoho Black Pudding face mask is priced at Rs. 580 

Myoho Gardenia Face Mask Review – Clay masks are extremely popular among various available skincare products. Myoho Gardenia Face Mask is actually a green clay based face mask which deeply cleanses the skin pores and makes skin soft and smooth. 40gm jar is priced at Rs. 380 

Handtribe is very organized website and dispatches your order timely like within three days of placing order. All these three products should be used within 6 months of opening the seal. 

R&W Rating (Myoho) - 4.5/5

R&W Rating (Handtribe) - 4.8/5

On packaging usage instructions and other details are missing. So this is one thing if they can improve upon. Rest all three products are really good and you can include them in your daily skincare regime. 

Let me know what you think about handtribe? 

Stick to R&W 
Megha Gupta


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